To proceed,a Positive Child Guide Reward is a setup little or small reward (gift) given to a child at the outcome of every desirable behavior. Here are the question you might have and the answers:
How can i avoid the mistake of given out a positive reward for an undesirable behavior?
How do i setup a positive reward for a child and at any age?
Setting up a "Positive Child Guide Rewards": You can setup a positive reward at any age,although the earlier you start,the easier it will be.When we are talking about designing or setting up a positive reward for a child,we are talking about the child's actions not his feelings.
I want you to understand that,to setup this,you need to make a clear-cut distinction between a child's feelings and actions.What i mean by feelings is the internal states of emotion such as(joy,love,anger,excitement,sadness and fear).This is the child's private world,there is nothing parent can do to change or influence it.When a child,feels sad or excited or fearful or angry,he or she cannot help feeling that way because the child is not responsible for his feeling,they come into his mind unbidden.
Based on child's actions,these are outward,i mean observable events that are subject to control. A child can stop himself from stealing toys,hitting other children,throwing stones or sand at other children,but when it comes to feelings,a child cannot help feeling angry or sad.
Although,parents can do little to influence a child's feelings,but they can do a great deal to influence a child's actions.Now,when talking of setting up a positive child guide reward,we are talking of actions not feelings,that is you deal only with actions that are observable.Actions you can see and count,actions you want to change in the child.
Positive rewards + on child's actions = Parents desired behavior.
Rules for setting up a positive child guide rewards: Take this rules,in order to setup these child guide rewards.First,you must set up the positive reward on the child's actions only.
Secondly,you must set it up on actions you can see and count (Observe).
Steps: You list out the actions you want him to keep on doing, Actions you want him to do less of and,
Actions you want him to do more of.
"When an action is followed by a positive reward,it will be strengthened and repeated"This positive reward is based upon "Actions" and "Consequences",positive consequences strengthened the actions and build them into strong and lasting behavioral habits.
Kinds of positive rewards: Emotional Rewards - This rewards is in form of praises, kisses, hugs or other verbal and physical demonstration of affection.Parents should use this kind of rewards when the child is very young,it will do must of the job.
Gift item Rewards - This reward is such as;Some candy,a trip to the ice cream store,a chance to watch TV show,an opportunity to spend an hour with you doing what he wants,an opportunity to stay up a half hour later at night,being awarded points on a chart,which will enable him to earn something he particularly wants.
I assure that this teaching strategy "Positive Child Guide Rewards" is very effective when used for teaching a child a desirable behavior.Just reward them a little until it becomes part of them.
Remember " The days that make us happy,make us wise".Get more teaching strategy here!