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Positive Child Guide Rewards 2

   In discipline we are teaching our children two things which are: A desirable behavior and an undesirable behavior.As parent it's our duty to setup a discipline strategy for teaching our children and it should be the one that suits us as well.In the first part of this article "Positive Child Guide Reward 1" i suggested the best and powerful teaching strategy for teaching a child a desirable behavior,which i called " Positive Reward" but is unfortunate that is the one parents use least.Parents do use it,but they do misuse it,they do the exact opposite by given out a positive reward for an undesirable behavior and some parents don't even know how to setup one. Get and setup one here! 
    To proceed,a Positive Child Guide Reward is a setup little or small reward (gift) given to a child at the outcome of every desirable behavior. Here are the question you might have and the answers:
    How can i avoid the mistake of given out a positive reward for an undesirable behavior?
    How do i setup a positive reward for a child and at any age?
Setting up a "Positive Child Guide Rewards": You can setup a positive reward at any age,although the earlier you start,the easier it will be.When we are talking about designing or setting up a positive reward for a child,we are talking about the child's actions not his feelings.
    I want you to understand that,to setup this,you need to make a clear-cut distinction between a child's feelings and actions.What i mean by feelings is the internal states of emotion such as(joy,love,anger,excitement,sadness and fear).This is the child's private world,there is nothing parent can do to change or influence it.When a child,feels sad or excited or fearful or angry,he or she cannot help feeling that way because the child is not responsible for his feeling,they come into his mind unbidden.
    Based on child's actions,these are outward,i mean observable events that are subject to control. A child can stop himself from stealing toys,hitting other children,throwing stones or sand at other children,but when it comes to feelings,a child cannot help feeling angry or sad.
    Although,parents can do little to influence a child's feelings,but they can do a great deal to influence a child's actions.Now,when talking of setting up a positive child guide reward,we are talking of actions not feelings,that is you deal only with actions that are observable.Actions you can see and count,actions you want to change in the child.
                       Positive rewards + on child's actions = Parents desired behavior.
  Rules for setting up a positive child guide rewards: Take this rules,in order to setup these child guide rewards.First,you must set up the positive reward on the child's actions only.
             Secondly,you must set it up on actions you can see and count (Observe).
   Steps: You list out the actions you want him to keep on doing,
               Actions you want him to do less of and,
              Actions you want him to do more of.
       "When an action is followed by a positive reward,it will be strengthened and repeated"
      This positive reward is based upon "Actions" and "Consequences",positive consequences strengthened the actions and build them into strong and lasting behavioral habits.
Kinds of positive rewards: Emotional Rewards - This rewards is in form of praises, kisses, hugs or other verbal and physical demonstration of affection.Parents should use this kind of rewards when the child is very young,it will do must of the job.
                                            Gift item Rewards - This reward is such as;Some candy,a trip to the ice cream store,a chance to watch TV show,an opportunity to spend an hour with you doing what he wants,an opportunity to stay up a half hour later at night,being awarded points on a chart,which will enable him to earn something he particularly wants.
     I assure that this teaching strategy "Positive Child Guide Rewards" is very effective when used for teaching a child a desirable behavior.Just reward them a little until it becomes part of them.
     Remember " The days that make us happy,make us wise".Get more teaching strategy here!


Positive Child Guide Rewards 1

 In my previous articles, I pointed out that discipline is "TEACHING"-a continuous teaching and in order to lay solid foundation of discipline, you must set up an emotional teaching strategy to teach your child a desirable behavior, which is "RAPPORT"-a mutual liking and respect, good vibes between parent and children or a child. Now we come to discipline it's self.
        What are the discipline strategies for teaching your child a desirable behavior? Get them here now!
    In my opinion, here is the discipline strategy for teaching your child a desirable behavior. It’s the best and powerful teaching strategy but is unfortunate that is the one parent use least.
The Positive Child Guide Reward: A positive child guide reward is a set up little or small reward (gift) given to a child at the outcome of every desirable behavior. Mind you, this positive rewards shouldn't be given in one huge amount when ever a child behaves well or at the outcome of every desirable behavior.It should be in small amount until the desirable behavior becomes part of the child.Got the tips? Although parents do use this positive rewards strategy, but they do misuse it, they do the exact opposite. Millions of parents do make the mistake of given out the rewards for undesirable.
        For example, when a child is behaving well, doing things the parent would like, doing good things to please the parent-what happens next?
           Is the child rewarded with a positive reward?
           Is the child given a word of appreciation or praise?
           Is the child given a hug? Or they do the exact by ignoring the child, saying nothing and taking those desirable behaviors for granted.
        Now, what does the parent mean? I mean, what do they mean exactly by showing this negative attitude towards the child's good behavior?
        That is they don't want the child's desirable behaviors and they are teaching the child to stop those good characters. Although, parents do take this negative attitudes as a punishment, but to the child that's a reward. Instead behaving well, the child act's up and goes negative too.
         Now the question you might have and the answers:
               How am I going to avoid these mistakes that other parents are making?
       Some parents would think and say now: "But my child is older-what will I do now?”
          Don't worry. Get it here, in the next article: Positive Child Guide Rewards 2


Parenting Guide: The Solid Foundation Of Discipline Parent Should Know And Use (Rapport)

Laying a Solid Foundation For Discipline
    You will agree with me that discipline is teaching.It's a continuous teaching that goes on all the time.
An expert says "The teaching of discipline has a firm scientific foundation" so, to discipline or parent your child you need to lay a solid foundation of discipline,that is how to discipline.This particular article seeks to give answers to your problems on discipline or parenting a child and that's why this article is different from any other and i enthusiastically recommend it to all parent.
  The experts,have learned from many experiments on how to teach either almost anything (human or Animal),my point is from different experiment,they know which teaching method work and which do not.So,"the teaching of discipline has a firm scientific foundation",says an expert,that is establishing a solid foundation of discipline.
   Now,the question is;(i) What is the solid foundation of discipline.
                                 (ii) How do i set up a solid foundation of discipline.
                                 (iii) How shall we go about teaching our children desirable and undesirable behavior.
Please, get this desirable behaviors are such as playing cooperatively with other children,doing required school work and home chores,obeying reasonable parent request .etc. and undesirable behaviors are such as stealing and disrupting a class,hitting or fighting other children,refusing to obey parent .etc.
Great step to lay a solid foundation of discipline : Remember we are dealing with human (child or children),getting answers to the 1st and 2nd question,will definitely give us an answer to the 3rd question."How shall we go about teaching our children desirable and undesirable behavior.   
    Now let's consider a class teacher instructing her class at the beginning of the school year.What does she  need to do first to do a good job of teaching a pupil ? her first responsibility is to lay an emotional foundation by set up a good rapport,i mean a mutual liking and respect,good "vibes" between the teacher and her class.
     Even,when a psychologist is doing a therapy with a child,it is also important to establish rapport before beginning a psychological therapy or test.The same holds true for a parent attempting to teach positive discipline to a child.Good rapport is the emotional foundation of all discipline or teaching a child desirable and undesirable behavior.
Good vibes + mutual liking and respect = Rapport the foundation of discipline                

In piratical terms and reality, the problems of discipline a child begins when the youngster develop to a toddler. Parent are expected to set up a solid rapport when the child is till a baby. Then, you feel,cuddled,played with your child, you even sang to your child, and bathed your child and these have made you much-loved person in your baby’s eye. Your child wants to please you and has the child becomes a toddler, you teach him desirable and undesirable behaviors, this is when you have a huge deposit of rapport to draw upon.
   But, from toddler-hood on, many parent make a critical mistakes, they neglect the task of continuing to build rapport with their child. They totally ignore the importance of reestablishing rapport at each and every steps of the child development, which is totally wrong. A word says “The days that make us happy, make us wise”. It is very crucial for parent to spend part of their time with their children simply enjoying together. Nothing more!